I strongly believe that the more small group instruction the better in primary grades. Feedback is a necessity and the best way to provide it immediately and consistently is when you can focus on a few students vs. an entire class. For the last four years, I have taught Intensive Reading. The majority of our days were spent working in different types of small groups. One of those sessions was our Literacy Stations. I love to share ideas with other teachers and thought that Literacy Stations (or centers) was a good place to start. So, for the next several weeks, I will be posting a segment of my first series,
Let's Get "Centered". This week, I am posting an overview where I have tried to explain how I set up groups and activities, along with how I start each year. I've read over it and it makes perfect sense to me, but if anyone has any questions, please, please ask. I find this such an effective method of instruction and would love if someone else would benefit from using something similar in their classroom.
I do want to add a disclaimer. I have been to numerous trainings and read lots of books, articles, etc on centers. I have never found one method that works 100% for me, so over the years, I have "borrowed" ideas from lots of different sources and then adjusted them to work for me. So, I am not claiming original authorship of most of the ideas. Some of the activities I have created and some have been inspired by the ideas of others.
This is the first direct download I have done. If you are unable to open the document, please let me know so that I can fix it.
What a great post idea!! Thanks for stopping by Lanier's Lions!
Newest Follower
Lanier's Kindergarten Lions
So glad I found your blog! I teach Sped Prek and do some reading RTI too for 1st graders. Consider me your newest follower!
Miss Timaree
Awesome idea - and just the right time of summer. I can't wait to read more!
Come join my linky!
Second Grade Sparkle
Thanks for sharing! I struggle with workstations/centers every year and end up giving up:( This year I have made it my personal goal to do some kind of center with my kiddos. Love your ideas!!
The Busy Busy Hive
Amy, This is perfect for me as a new teacher! I have also been doing lots of research on centers, and just finished reading the Daily 5. Hopefully your blogs about centers will say how you feel about that. I'm off to read! I'm your newest follower! Thank you!
Hi Amy! I am loving your blog, I can't wait to spend some more time exploring through your posts. Thanks so much for following my blog :)
Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
Miss L's Whole Brain Teaching
LOVE small group instruction! Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm now following yours!!
Lovin’ Kindergarten
Amy, I just followed your blog. It looks great! Thanks for visiting me.
Oh, How Pintearesting!
Thanks for visiting my blog Amy! I'm now your newest follower!
Thank you for following my blog. I am now your newest follower as well :-). I too love small group instruction. I worked as a parapro for 10 years, so small group instruction was a large part of my day.
Thanks everyone, for the feedback. I'm glad that there are some ideas here that may be helpful to others.
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